DOWNLOAD SHOW HERE This is my latest show for Friday August 24 2012 from 3 – 5 a.m. on 100.7 CHIN FM Toronto, Canada, I have the pleasure of featuring friend Solarstone (UK) == Hour 1 == Frank Frenzy Spins it up! ========== Featuring the live recording from I Love Red Wednesday’s with Frank Frenzy […]
Frank Frenzy and Solarstone – Friday August 24 2012 @richsolarstone @djfrenzyinc @toglobalradio
Tags: 100.7, canada, dj, electronica, entertainment, fm, frank, frank frenzy, free, house, live, London, mail, mp3, net, phone, pizza, podcast, prizes, productions, radio, show, Solarstone, sponsors, stream, toronto, trance